| Anointing using oils Anointing your body Focus on your intent for using the oil. Use an inward motion (toward you) to attract things into your life (such as love, money, luck, and such like things.)Use an outward motion (away from you) to be rid of negative influences (such as ill health, evil spirits). Do not move in alternate directions, either inward or outward. Anointing a candle Mentally divide the candle into two parts. Starting in the middle, rub the oil towards the candles wick. Starting at the middle again, rub the oil towards the bottom. Do not rub up and down. Focus on your intent while doing this. Anointing bath water Add a few drops to 1/3 - 1/2 cup of milk (this is the carrier for the oil) and add to your bath water. Do not add any soap or bubbles to the water as it will upset any vibrational energies. Soak in the water and meditate on your desire. MENTAL NOTE - this type of bath is used before a ritual or spell and is not intended for washing in, though may be used at any other time for relaxation or anything like it. Blending oils Assemble the oils called for in a recipe. In a clean, sterilized jar, add 1/8 cup of one of the following vegetable oils: Safflower, sunflower, coconut, apricot kernel, jojoba, almond, hazelnut, grapeseed or olive oil. Using an eye dropper, or the single drop dispensers included on most bottles of essential oil, add the oils according to the recipe. Swirl the oils into the base oil, don't stir. Store the oils away from heat, light and moisture in an airtight, opaque or dark coloured glass bottle. Label them and include the date. Recipes Air oil 5 drops Lavender 3 drops Sandalwood 1 drop Neroli Wear to invoke the powers of Air and to promote clear thinking, for travel spells and to overcome addictions. Earth oil 4 drops Patchouly 4 drops Cypress Wear to invoke the powers of the Earth to bring money, prosperity, abundance, stability and foundation. Fire oil 3 drops Ginger 2 drops Rosemary 1 drop Clove 1 drop Petitgrain Wear to invoke the powers of fire, such as energy, courage, strength, love, passion and so on. Water oil 3 drops Palmarosa 2 drops Ylang-Ylang 1 drop Jasmine Wear t promote love, healing, psychic awareness, purification, protection, etc. Altar 4 drops Frankincense 2 drops Myrrh 1 drop Cedar Anoint the altar with this oil at regular intervals, calling on your Deity (Deities) to watch over over it. Anointing oil 5 drops Sandalwood 3 drops Cedarwood 1 drop Orange 1 drop Lemon Use for general ritual anointing purposes. Aphrodite oil 5 drops Cypress 2 drops Cinnamon 1 small piece of dried Orris root Add all ingrediants to a base oil. Anoint your body to bring love into your life (don't think of a specific person!). Astral travel 5 drops Sandalwood 1 drop Ylang-Ylang 1 drop Cinnamon Anoint the stomach, wrists, back of neck, and forehead. Lie down and visualize yourself astral traveling. Businees success oil 3 drops Bergamot Mint Bouquet 1 drop Basil 1 drop Patchouly 1 pinch ground Cinnamon Anoint the hands, cash register, business card or the front door of the place of business to increase cash flow. Citrus purification oil 3 drops Orange 2 drops Lemongrass 2 drops Lemon 1 drop Lime Anoint white candles and burn in the home to purify it. Courage oil 3 drops Ginger 1 drop Black Pepper 1 drop Clove Wear to increase your courage, especially before being introduced to people, prior to public speaking, and other nerve wracking situations. Energy oil 4 drops Orange 2 drops Lime 1 drop Cardamon Wear when feeling depleted, when ill, or just to strengthen your energy reserves. Used especially after magickal rituals to recharge your body. Fast money oil 7 drops Patchouly 5 drops Cedarwood 4 drops Vetivert 2 drops Ginger Wear, rub on hands, or anoint green candles to bring money. Also anoint money before spending to ensure it's return. Healing oil 4 drops Rosemary 2 drops Juniper 1 drop Sandalwood Wear to speed healing Initiation oil 3 drops Frankincense 3 drops Myrrh 1 drop Sandalwood Use for mystic initiation ceremonies and also to increase your awareness of the spiritual realm. Interview oil 4 drops Ylang-Ylang 3 drops Lavender 1 drop Rose Wear to interviews of all kinds to help calm you. Helps make a favorable impression. Lunar oil 4 parts Sandalwood 2 parts Camphor 1 part Lemon Wear to invoke the Goddess within. Moon oil 1 drop Jasmine 1 drop Sandalwood Wear to induce psychic dreams, to speed healing, to facilitate sleep, to increase fertility, and for all other Lunar influences. Peace oil 3 drops Ylang-Ylang 3 drops Lavender 2 drops Camomile 1 drop Rose Wear when nervous or upset to calm you down. Stand before a mirror, and while looking into your eyes, anoint your body. Protection oil 4 drops Basil 3 drops Geranium 2 drops Pine 1 drop Vetivert Wear for protection against all kinds of attacks. Also anoint windows doors, doors and other parts of the house to protect it. Psychic oil 5 drops Lemongrass 1 drop Yarrow Wear to increase psychic powers, especially when working with rune stones, quartz crystal spheres and other such tools. Sleep 2 drops Rose 1 drop Jasmine 1 drop Camomile Anoint the temples, neck, pulses of both wrists and soles of the feet to bring on natural sleep. Visions oil 4 drops Lemongrass 2 drops Bay 1 drop Nutmeg Anoint the forehead to produce psychic awareness. Wealth 4 drops Tonka Bouquet 1 drop Vetivert Wear to increase your wealth. Magickal oils A Adrel....This oil brings happiness, use it as a perfume or use in anointing. Against Harm....This oil will give you protection from your enemies All Saint....This oil will assure success in your work and endeavors Ambrosia....To attract love Apricot....An aphrodisiac B Banana....Used to rid of a situation that is holding you down Basil....Prosperity in business Bayberry....Attracts money Beneficial Dream....For a good nights sleep Blue Cohosh....Eases emotional pain C Canola....Cleanses your home of negativity Cashew....Helps rid stress (rubbed on throat or wrists) Cherry Blossom....Opens opportunities for you (when looking for a job, rub this oil on the soles of your feet and behind your ears) Cinnamon....An uncrossing oil D Desire....An aphrodisiac to arouse passion Double Luck....Gambling (rub on your palms before playing any game of chance) E Easy....Helps a situation to go smoothly Eucalyptus....A healing oil (great for headaches and colds) Evil Eye....Protects you from curses and negativity sent to you Eyebright....Enhances your psychic awareness F Fairy....Call on the aid of the Fae (anoin the palms, heart and middle of forehead) Fast Money....Self explanatory! G Ginger....Good for use in workings in rituals or magick Goddess....Enhances respect and admiration from others when worn by a woman H Hazelnut....To gain wisdom, anoint your third eye Heart....Anoint your heart with this oil for your wishes to come true I Irresistable....Wear this oil to attract the opposite sex Isis....Heighten a dying relationship, or start a new one by wearing this oil J Jasmine....An all purpose oil. Use it to bring love, sex and money Job....To gain a job or to keep the one you've got K Keep Away Evil....To keep away enemies and evil spirits L Lavender....Has many uses. Used for peace of mind, to promote love, attract men, purification and to sleep well Lemon Blossom....Good oil to find answers in tough situations M Marigold....Powerful oil used for protection Memory....Anoint your forehead to help remember important information N Nervous....Use when tense or nervous. Add to bath water or a white candle Notre Dame Oil....Used to keep sickness at bay and to protect from evil O Orris Root....Used to attract friendship and money P Patchouly....Used to attract love and money. Also used to keep "urking" people away. Very powerful in works of magick R Red Thyme....Used to give courage in any situation Rose....To attract love and friendship, anoint yourself or a candle S Sandalwood....Very powerful in magickal workings or rituals. A healing oil, and can also heighten your psychic abilities Seduction....Self explanatory! T Ti....Sprinkle some under your bed while you sleep and it will protect you V Vanilla....Brings good luck, and used to attract love and lust W Walnut....Put on forehead to prevent headaches. Also helps to increase mental clarity